Rabu, 17 November 2010

UNESA Biology Olympiad

kali ini ngepost B. Indo aja yha..heheheheh
Mau cerita ini tentang pengalaman qta pas olym bio UNESA

            Janjian ama anak2 tim olym bio di skul jam 7 tepat... mau registrasi ternyata qta salah registrasi. Ternyata itu olym bio UM.hehehehe
            Akhirnya qta nyari registrasi UNESA,,, eeeehhh ternyata uangnya dibawa maz Mukhsin,, ditelpon tuh akhirnya mha Tita,,, Akhirnyo datang juga tuh maz Mukhsin Dan disusul anak2 kelas XII datang,..
            Tiba2 maz Mukhsin datang ke qta katanya gak boleh daftar pas hari H, padahal qta uwda boking tempat sms ke panitianya boking tempat buwad 10 anak,.. katanya juga bayar hari H gag pa2, tiba2 pas hari H gak bole,... zaudahlah mau gimana lagi.. curhat sama om coy, ada babe juga, plus maz yanto plus pak Utsman. Nanyak gimana solusinya... eitzz maz Mukhsin punya ide qta daftar ikud yang UM kelompokan untungnya qta genap 10 anak jadi pas... akhirnya tuh qta nanyak “kak, boleh gak daftar hari H?” si kakak paniti jawab “Gak boleh dek” mati peq,,, wis qta uwda semangat jadi lemes lagi... mbk2 kelas XII pada emosi itu kan skul qta.. inget donk qta tuan rumah loh.. akhirnya pak utsman turun tangan tanyak ke panitianya (maklumlah pembina qta mendadak ada seminar). dicarikan solusinya buwad tambah ruangan
....dicariin kunci lab fisika.. eehh ternyata kuncinya dibawa bapak siapa gitu dan rumahnya jauh...
            Agak emosi sih qta. Sekul qta sendiri qta diinjak2... akhirnya nyadar juga panitianya. Qta dicariin tempat.. hmmm akhirnya dapet no peserta. Qta do’a dulu sama temen2, adek2, N mbk2,, dipimpin senior bio qta yang kebetulan gak ikud coz uwda masug semifinal olym bio di fakultas kedokteran hewan UNAIR...hehehehe.. kasihan juga sih jadi molor testnya gara2 qta,,hheheheh. Akhirnya qta dapet ruangan juga meskipun sebangku berdua ama anak sekolah lain.
            Oke akhirnya selesai,.. panitianya minta ma’af ke qta2 anak SMADA.(nyadar buuuuk kalau salah)hahahahhah  tragisnya qta belum dapet sertifikat loh.. katanya besug2 dikirim (awas aja kalau gak dikirim)hahahah

Uwda,,uwda thanks yang uwda baca,,,

Kamis, 11 November 2010

words of love pearl

Words of Wisdom Love - Love that never runs out to talk about, who knows how many thousands or even millions of words spoken pearls of love for, contemplated, fantasied, but not necessarily be realized. I do not know, love is strange and can be expressed with words of love pearl in accordance with the circumstances. A collection of words of love pearl below may inspire you to express how in love with you on the him.
Love was not blind. Love is something that is pure, noble and necessary.That is when love is blind master yourself without a consideration.
Not the sea its name if the water was not choppy, not love his name if the feeling was never hurt,not love his name if his heart has never felt yearning and jealousy.
Love is not of words but of a piece of liver will be given on the need.The crying is also not a remedy against love because he does not understand the journey of conscience.
Pursue ideals before love, if the achievement of the ideals of self-love then it will be present.
Love will often flee when we are looking for, but love too often left out when he approached.
First love is the memories, the second Love is the lesson, and love that so is a single purposebecause life without love is like food without salt. Therefore, keep the love that was bestowedas well as possible so that he continues to blossom and scent throughout the season.
Disappointed love does not mean that the world has ended. Bright future based on pastwhich has been forgotten. You can not move well in your lifeuntil you forget about your failures and a sense of disappointment.
It takes only a minute to interpret someone, an hour to like someone anda day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Life without love sepeeti food without salt. Therefore, pursue love as you pursue the time and if you've got love it, keep it like you take care of yourself. Indeed love is the gift of God Almighty.
In a romance, but do not regret parting sesalilah meeting.Because without a meeting there will be no separation. Marry a man who is more loving ourselvesrather than the man we love ourselves. That's better than being married to people we love but do not menyintaius because it is easier to change yourself than to change the stance of establishment of others.
Love can be seen from the holy sacrifice of a person, not the gift alone.
Ibaratkalah losing love is like a diamond ring lost in the vast ocean that has no edges and should be forgotten.
Love is not always with a mate, but mate is always with love.
The word poet; Love is located in the heart, although hidden, but obvious vibration. He was able to affect the mind as well as controlling our actions so that we sometimes do the stupidest thing without us knowing it.
Love begins with a smile, grows with a hug and often ended in tears.


  • Any manager who can not feel comfortable with a man who accomplished is crazy. Joe McCarthy.
  • Ambitions are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. -Brian Tracy.
  • A wise leader never claimed a successful work as an achievement, but because the system that works for an organization that is supported by a resilient staff, motivated and high initiative in the works. -Ari Irawan Nugroho.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

My Parents

I know my parents love me so much.but one time I feel my parents did not love me. However, I always try to eliminate all those feelings. and now I realize my parents always loved me. I will always try to make my parents proud cause of my achievement. I'm sure one day I can make them happy